作者:林德源 摘
时间:2007-03-04 11:43:03

The 2006 Canadian RFID Conference will be held in Markham, Ont., on April 4th and 5th, 2006.
Organizers RFIC Canada say the event and will bring together some of the most experienced people in the industry.

The conference will feature the following topics:
1. RFID Technology meets Business ?Bob Moroz, President - RFID Canada
2. Innovation: The intersection of invention and business insight ?Daniel Fortin, President - IBM Canada
3. Year in Review ?Edward Gonsalves, Business Development Manager RFID ?Philips Electronics
4. Gen 2 and Beyond ?Bill Allen, Director of Strategic Alliances -Texas Instruments
5. Provider and User - Greg Edds, WW Manager, HP Global Operations ?HP
6. Workshops: A. Supply Chain ?B. Manufacturing ?C. Healthcare ?D. Electronic Commerce
To register or for more information contact: www.rfidcanada.com, phone: (905) 513-8919, ext. 25 Fax: (905) 513-7651, e-mail: info@rmoroz.com

Original Link: http://www.autoserviceworld.com/issues/ISArticle.asp?id=51270&issue=01102006
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