一家跨国汽车制造商使用Keonn的读卡器和天线在其工业设施中实施了RFID门户,以实现了整个供应链的实时可追溯性。ThingMagic M6e 模块嵌入Keonn用于汽车制造使用的RFID供应链跟踪解决方案。







ThingMagic M6e 模块嵌入Keonn用于汽车制造使用的RFID供应链跟踪解决方案。








JADAK的ThingMagic M6e UHF RAIN RFID模块嵌入由Keonn制造的AdvanReader-150 TM UHF读取器中。




Thingmagic Mercury6e(M6e)是一款小型、1 瓦、4个端口(4通道)的嵌入式超高频RFID读写器模组。提供卓越的性能,小巧的外形尺寸,并缩短读写器由开发到推向市场的OEM时间,增加经销商和解决方案供应商提供给最终客户的价值。M6e模块按照全尺寸读写器的性能标准设计,但尺寸更加小巧,可以在移动设备中使用。M6e支持4个天线端口,最大输出功率为31.5dBm。


ThingMagic M6e UHF RAIN RFID模块



ThingMagic M6e UHF RAIN RFID模块应用




1. background


A multinational automaker has implemented an RFID portal in its industrial facilities using keonn's readers and antennas to enable real-time traceability across the entire supply chain. The project is deployed by maccion, a system integrator specializing in RFID solutions for Industry 4.0.


2. Solutions


Thingmagic M6E module embeds keonn's RFID supply chain tracking solution for automotive manufacturing.


The solution consists of three RFID portals: one in the receiving area for receiving goods, one in the supply area for detecting materials entering and leaving the area, and one for tracking empty boxes returned to suppliers. These portals use advanreader-150 and advantenna-sp12.


Through this system, automobile manufacturers can reduce the receiving time and shipping time of materials, eliminate human errors and improve business decisions by providing real-time data.


Jadak's thingmagic M6E UHF rain RFID module is embedded in the advanreader-150 TM UHF reader manufactured by keonn.


3. Product introduction


Thingmagic mercury 6e (M6E) is a small, 1 watt, 4-port (4-channel) embedded UHF RFID reader and writer module. Provide excellent performance, small size, and shorten the OEM time from development to market, increase the value provided by dealers and solution suppliers to end customers. The M6E module is designed according to the performance standard of full-size reader, but it is smaller and can be used in mobile devices. The M6E supports 4 antenna ports with a maximum output power of 31.5dbm.


We will provide support in the whole product life cycle. Shenzhen quanshunhong has one of the most extensive RFID product portfolio in the industry, supported by engineers with resources and technical expertise to help you implement and provide perfect solutions to meet your specific needs and requirements.


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