Under the draft memorandum circular for RFID, devices can operate in ranges 13.553 to 13.567 Megahertz; 918 to 920 MHz; and 2446 to 2454 MHz. The NTC noted however that the radio spectrum allocation and assignment was subject to review. The NTC memo added that the maximum effective power of RFID devices, including receivers and tags, is 0.5 Watts.
“The use and operation of RFIDs shall be on a unprotected and non-interference basis i.e. operators cannot claim protection against interference and are not permitted to cause harmful interference to other radio services to which the bands are also allocated. It shall not constrain the operation of other radio services to which the band is also allocated,” the NTC said in its memorandum.
Telemetry is described as real-time and on-air transmission of electronic data from a moving source, usually a car, to a central database.
Its use has expanded to other industries including aerospace and satellite communications.
"[This is] in the interest of public service and in order to keep pace with the development in the wireless technology with the end in view of insuring a wider access to the limited radio spectrum and the use of cost effective technology," the agency said in a memorandum posted on its website.
The NTC has scheduled a public hearing on December 13 to discuss the draft memoranda.
original Link:http://news.inq7.net/infotech/index.php?index=1&story_id=58055